Miyerkules, Setyembre 23, 2015

Lesson 18: Tablets for Textbook in Schools

           Today, books are still the primary medium of instruction in most schools. Already, there is a disadvantage of using books for learning that are being debated upon. The errors in public school textbooks have also been exposed, errors resulting from wrong information, technical mistakes and editorial lapses.

      Today, technology is being viewed as a savior because the students are enamoured by computer games. By that, the educators have begun to think that the computer screen can very well serve as a power point educational medium.

      In general, tablets as a primary learning tool can be replacing the textbooks. Tablets are conducive to higher thinking, constructive and participative teaching-and-learning. By that, parents gave full support to the IT advancement. Technology itself may be a key to problem resolution and Filipino ingenuity is called to respond to the challenge facing the digital generation of the millennium.

            I never experience tablets as a textbook in a school since in the first place, me myself do not have any tablets. Second, the school where I am enrolled is not that rich school that have these tablets that can make their students use in school. I think, these things should be applied only for those high classes’ schools or in the future where tablets are easy to access and affordable enough.
            I think, the use of these tablets are good if the school really have their own tablets where the application are all for the school purposes but if the student have their own tablet that they would use, it can be a big disadvantage where the student really be pushed to make something else in room without noticing it by the teacher. If it would be employed in the classroom setting, I hope that it would be a boon than bane. With the proper use of it, it can be good factor of disseminating information and a bridge toward the topic that should be presented and the student where the topic is presented.

            We can apply this if we already have enough knowledge about it and we already have control on it in terms of proper usage and a good factor in the educational process. It can be a good agent of transferring information but it cannot deny the fact that since our country is still coping on it, we cannot implement this because of the factors that have mentioned above

Lesson 17: Educational Technology Practicum

            This topic should be a hands on activity where in the student are supposed to make a draft in Microsoft word and PowerPoint, here they should have a product of an encoded thing where in the prior knowledge of them about PowerPoint and word should be applied on it. It should be an advantage for those who really have expertise in editing on both. In Microsoft word, we can put pictures, text and edit it on it while on the PowerPoint; we can put images, videos, pictures, text. We can edit on the Word in text, images, and grammars of a sentence. However, on the PowerPoint, we cannot edit grammars but we can check the spelling of the word and others. In short, these two may have similarities; they also have these differences that make them unique. As an addition, we can still put hyperlink to both and comment. But of course, we cannot make animations and transitions on the word for it will be printed afterwards. On the other hand, just like the discussion above on the internet, here, we can do many things, we can make almost everything. But of course, on the evaluation part of it is really crucial.
Nowadays, with the advent of internet, we can make
            I think all of us really experience in making PowerPoint slides and making an output from the Microsoft word. Now, with the advent of internet, we can still make use of PowerPoint and word but can be enhance or improved with the use of internet. I remembered when I use internet itself as a background of my PowerPoint. It was so fascinating and very crucial to make but when you can see the product of your hard work, you will feel good and satisfied since you put your all efforts on it.
            In doing your slides and making output from the word, it is really convincing and can be effective if you put something that is so familiar. I realized, doing PowerPoint slides is really easy. The difficult part is to make something that you could get the attention of your listeners or making them attentive with the use of PowerPoint slides that you made. The concept you want to portray without distorting the topic you will be presenting. Honestly, there is one person on my mind when I talk about the concept and creativity of PowerPoint slides. It’s just that, based on the observations that I made, the PowerPoint he’s presenting really can get attention of the listener and although there is someone also who really have the skill in showing a good PowerPoint, but in terms  of concept-making that would make it an PowerPoint that is attention-catcher. And because of these things, I realized that I should be like them who really have great interest on making PowerPoint so that the topic they would present would be effective. I also realized that through long period of time of exposure to a certain thing, you maybe not master in making that stuff but you will improved and enhance on the things you would try if you just put an effort. At the end of the day, you would be gaining a lesson from something, you like it or not because I believe, that is the nature of human being; we just cannot notice it most of the time.

            We can always apply these things to our future career, being a teacher, we can make PowerPoint, use word in our lesson plan, and innovate things using internet. By these things and information, we can always make things better. We can apply what we have experience in our past courses and integrate it to our future teaching. We can always make use of our prior knowledge like in our Information Technology and Education Technology and applied it in this topic that can also be applied on our future careers. 

Lesson 16: Internet and Education

The Internet, also simply called the Net is the largest and far-flung network system of all systems. The Internet is not really a network but a loosely organized collection of about 25,000 networks accessed by computers on the planet.
           Everything is coordinated in the Internet through a standardized protocol called Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP). To gain access to the Internet, The computer must be equipped with what is called a Server which has a special software program that uses the Internet protocol.
           The great attraction of the Internet is that once the sign-up fees are paid, there are no extra charges. E-mail for example is free regardless of amount use. The vast sea o information now in the Internet is an overwhelming challenge to those who wish to navigate it. The most attractive way to move around the Internet is called browsing. Using a program called the browser, the user can use a mouse to point and click on screen icons  to surf the Internet, particularly the World Wide Web, an Internet's subset of text, images and sounds are linked together to allow users to access data or information needed.
            Educational software materials have also developed both in sophistication and appeal. But the real possibility today is connecting with the world outside homes, classrooms and Internet cafes. Today schools are gearing up to take advantage of Internet access.
            Nowadays, it is rapidly diverse and rapidly increasing. The experience of exposure to this internet to education is presently occurring. It started from the moment I used computer up to the present where I still using this computer. The main difference is that, before, I am not equipped yet with skills and still don’t know yet the basic things in using this computer. It helps me when I don’t understand something. When something in my mind  is bothering me. When it is required to our class, I always used it when there is a requirement of doing so and I don’t have nothing else but the internet alone. When it was my first time using it, it was o funny because I really do not know where should I point the arrow and where should I type so that I can search. It was really hard for me use computer before especially when we should research about something on the internet. it is really a big burden to me since I really don’t know how to make my works improved.
            I realized that the basic knowledge about this thing is really necessary and a must. The next thing in life of it is the application of what you have learned and experiences that can be applied to it. I also learned how fortunate I am right now, though, I am not that expert of doing so this internet and not good enough in applying this concept to the real world, I would still manage to operate it well and I can still manage to teach other person, especially those who cannot manipulate it well because I know the feeling of wanting to do something yet there is a barrier that stopping you from doing so. I know the feeling of wanting to integrate something yet you don’t know how because you really don’t understand it well that is why, you don’t know how to integrate it and apply it a certain thing. I realized that with the use of internet, we can make some updates and search for new software and applications based from the topic that we have on the lesson. We can search for a program where our topic can be applied and much innovated.

            With the diverse benefits that we could get from the internet, we can always search for a new updates about our topic and apply on the educational process. With the advent of internet, we can now associate internet and education in pursuing a goal in our class in the future. We can use this to make some enhancement to our traditional way of delivering information to our students. With proper use, we can make our some innovations and some activities that really caught their attention and interest in listening and involving on the activity that you prepared. With this internet, we can always make something better if we just focus and apply it properly. We can make something better that even ourselves cannot imagine in doing so. 

Lesson 15: Understanding Hypermedia

     Hypermedia is nothing but multimedia, but this time packaged as an educational computer software where information is presented and student activities are integrated in a virtual learning environment. Most educational IT applications are hypermedia and these include tutorial software packages, knowledge webpages, simulation instructional games, and learning project management and others.

          The presentation of information- learning activities in hypermedia is said to be sequenced in a non-linear manner, meaning that the learner may follow his own path of activities thus providing an environment of learner autonomy and thinking skills.

          There are three important features that are outstanding that characterize the hypermedia software:

Learner control - the learner makes his own decisions on the path, flow or events of instruction. 
Learner wide range of navigation routes - the learner controls the sequence and pace of his path depending on his ability and motivation. 
Variety of media - which includes more than one media but does not necessarily use all types of media in one presentation.

            Understanding hypermedia is really crucial for it was clarified to me when it was reported to us in this course. I never knew what hypermedia is until it was discussed thoroughly by the reporter during their time. From the moment I used computer and tend to operate it comfortably and confidently, I think that I already have used hypermedia but as what I was saying, the clarification and the deep understanding about hypermedia was when the reporting of it in our class. And from the moment I first made my PowerPoint up to the first draft of Microsoft word that I have made before is one of the experiences with regards to this topic.
            From the moment I first used computer up to the present where I still don’t know what my understanding about this hypermedia is. Honestly, it’s just clarified when they reported about it and when I reported my topic in this course. I realized that no matter how basic and how often you used a certain things, it’s funny sometimes because of the complicated mind we have, we tend to forget the basic ideas that we have before and make things so complicated until we noticed it already when we are on-going or in the middle of the process wherein we fully understand a certain thing or a certain topic. I also realized that even the single topic can be complicated if we think it that way. It just mean that it is really depend on how we perceive everything on our environment and how diligent are we although sometimes we don’t understand it fully but still we are doing it for some reason that we have. I realized, though it is funny to think of it, it’s just a simple word that is having a complicated meaning due to the letters it contain.

            Just like software, we can always associate computers and this topic to our future student if we just have enough equipment and materials in a school. We are responsible enough to our actions if we are going to use it as a tool or aid in the teaching factor but also to the learning process that the student may be having. We can always apply this hypermedia if we already know how to used it and we have this full understanding of what is it.

Lesson 14: The software as an Educational Resource

           The computer hardware can hardly be useful without the program or system that tells what the computer machine should do. This is also called the software. There are two kinds of software: the systems software, which is the operating software that is found or bundled inside all computer machines; and applications software, which contains the system that commands a particular task or solves a particular problem. In turn, the applications software may be; a custom software that is made for specific tasks often by large corporations, or a commercial software packaged for personal computers that helps with a variety of tasks such as writing papers, calculating numbers, drawing graphs, playing games, and so much more.

          Microsoft Windows also referred to as a program is an operating environment between the user and the computer operating system. Actually, Windows is in itself a self-contained operating system which provides user convenience, a new look, information center, and plug and play configurations.

        Instructional software can be visited on the Internet or can be bought from software shops or dealers.  But beware since computer-based instructional materials need much improvement, while web-based educational resources are extremely good or what is complete garbage.

            From my experiences on researching about my projects on high school up to the present situation wherein I still scroll on the internet, the experiences are really there. The first time I used software was when I was in high school wherein I really don’t have any choice of doing something else but to surf on the internet because my classmates are really hardworking and I think that If I would not do that such, I would be left over my classmates and be behind them all the time because I was so out-dated. I remember, it was so funny remembering that I am afraid to touch the computer and surf on the different software for in my mind that it would be very shy if I damaged one of those, but still, I would still manage to make something better on me during that time. During our research not just on the Science Research that we had but also on the research that we are still having, software is really an educational resource for it really answers our curiosity and questions in our mind.
            Based from these experiences, I learned that the positive impacts that we could get from the software is really dependent on us who are using these software because we are in control on the actions that we are taking. We are capable of doing everything based on our will but the consequences that we can get from it still depend on us. However, I realized that the more responsible enough to use software in education, the effective it is if you are just competent enough and good enough on your research in that software. It just means that the responsibility and the sense of being mature in using computer is a must if you wanted to have more positive outcomes on yourself from the software. So, It is on us on how are we good enough or what could be our purpose in using these software in our education and our lives to have more positive result or product.

            Nowadays, application of this topic is really often, as what we can observe on the environment that we have and based on the things that we could experience. This is due to the higher rate of advancement of our technology that even the younger ones really know already how to operate a certain technology that we, before, could not imagine how to use it now. I can always apply on every topic that I may have on the near future but I cannot assure about the effectiveness and reliability of the results that may have. We can always associate our topic on the internet but the problem is on the extent of positive impacts or negative impacts of this software to the students especially on the future generation.

Lesson 13: Cooperative learning with the Computer

           Cooperative or collaborative learning is learning by small groups of students who work together in a common learning task. It is often also called group learning but to be truly cooperative learning, five (5) elements are needed: a common goal, interdependence, interaction, individual accountability, and social skills. It encourages active learning while motivating students; increases academic performance; promotes literacy and language skills; and improves teacher effectiveness.

         The teacher is assigned several tasks in order to ensure collaborative learning. These are: assigning students to mixed-ability teams; establishing positive interdependence; teaching cooperative social skills; insuring individual accountability; and helping groups process information. It is also important for the teacher to limit learning group clusters  (six is the ideal number in a group) so that there can be closer involvement in thinking and learning.

            I think that I never had any experiences having this cooperative learning with the computer because as far as I remember, if not all and most of the activities given by our teacher is more focus on the product of individual especially on the product that they want to had before. As far as I’m concern, though, indirectly, we had this experience on our educational technology 1 wherein we would be able to make a movie and from that, maybe we had a sort of experience that this topic is really applicable. Maybe, the research that we had is some sort of cooperative learning because we were using computers on searching about something then, tend to elaborate and discussed based on the research that everybody does. though indirectly also, but I think it is more applicable compared to the latter thing I have mentioned.
            When we are having our activity, I realized that its not about on the involvement the student is important, it’s about the interest she should have to learn more especially if it is some sort of collaborative or cooperative learning wherein she/he is one of the groups that are giving and taking information from the other. I think, open mindedness of a certain student is a must because in the process of brainstorming and cooperating on a certain group, the ideas she may have or the other group has is not that important but because we have this something on our mind that we should always accept ideas from the group, though, it’s not said that we should always have on that or what, we should have scepticism and should know how to adjust on the thinks that may encounter during the brainstorming or even after because I can really have a big impact not just on the product that you may have but also to the relationship you have or you may have on a group where you belong. I realized that the cooperative learning may be only achieved indirectly with the use of computer because of many factors in the classroom setting, I think its just focus on the thought that everybody is using computer to communicate and to be able to help them on what they are doing but not really all of them are there using computer during their brainstorming process or what.

            We can apply this in our future if we really have enough equipment or materials that can be used in our teaching process. I think that it would be easier for us to make something if we have complete materials and the topic is really applicable to it. I can apply this topic if I have enough skills and knowledge on the integration and application approach. If the topic is so much related to the cooperative learning with the computers, I think, it can be used effectively on the reflection thing because in that field, they can brainstorm on what they have reflect based on the topic and if they are not all there. It means that the application of these topics may not be direct really but still used to manage computers in the cooperative learning. 

Lesson 12: Information Technology in support of student-centered learning

       Desiring to gain effectiveness, efficiency and economy in administration and instruction, schools in these developed economies have also adopted the support of ICTs. Their students have now become active not passive learners, who can interact with other learners, demonstrating independence and self-awareness in the learning process.
Generally the new school classroom environment is characterized by student individually or in groups:
·         Performing computer word processing for text or graph presentations
·         Preparing power-point presentation
·         Searching for information on the internet
·         Brainstorming on ideas, problems and project plans
·         As needed, the teacher facilitating instruction, also giving individualized instruction to serve individual needs
Given this new trend in teaching-and-learning, it must be pointed out, however, that traditional classroom activities – especially in less developed countries – will continue to have strong place in the classroom. In spite of this setback experienced in some countries, the option has now been opened for the modern teacher to shift gears to student centered learning.

            When we were in second year I think, we had our information technology subject. here, we would be able to know what is the meaning of that, the significance to our course and of course, we would experience what are the common products out from the knowledge we had in our lecture, in laboratory, we really did make many things and of course, with the aid of our teacher, and the exercises they have prepared. The things we have made are applicable on our course since in the future, we should know how to make something from computer which the involvement of the student really seen. As far as I remembered, the cards, calendars, cartoon, web, and many more are really a great experience because it can really give us an idea and an experience that we might not get in the future.
            Based on the image that we could imagine by tracing back the past we were still on the process of learning in Information Technology course, I realized that the involvement of the student really a big impact to all of them. It can give them experiences but also learning’s that others may not get in the future, it’s an honour and privileged to be in that situation of ours. I realized that the experienced that I had help me a lot in my educational technology 1 and 2. it really help me in introducing to the first and second educational technology. it let me experienced the things I may not experience d if I’m not on the situation like those. I think the involvement of a student in a certain situation r activity arranged by the teacher really help a lot to the student if he/she is really engaging or involving herself to the activity. If a student is really helping herself and really willing to learn from the given activity, the result would really be something special. I think, it’s not about on how the complicated the activity is, it’s about, how active and involved the students are on a certain activity.

            As I was saying, Involvement of the student on an activity is a must. If you wanted to make your activity a successful one, you have to make sure that everything you plan is achievable and clear, concise. In the future near that I would be teaching, I think I ca apply this topic if the school I would be teaching have complete enough the course for this topic or they have complete or have most of the materials or equipment I may be needing. I think also, the preparedness that I may have should always be there in the sense that I can really confidently manipulate and teach my student about it, and it would maybe easily for me to be on a crucial situation that I can face on the near future. It is also a big help if you yourself can integrate even to the simplest thing you can imagine from your topic based on the major of specialization that you have to the topic of information technology or to the topic you will be teaching soon in the future.

Lesson 11: Computer as the Teachers Tool

        Constructivism was introduced by Jean Piaget (1981) and Bruner (1990). They gave stress to knowledge discovery of new meaning/concepts/principles in the learning process. Various strategies have been suggested to foster knowledge discovery, among these, is making students engaged in gathering unorganized information from which they can induce ideas and principles. Students are also asked to apply discovered knowledge to new situations, a process for making their knowledge applicable to real life situations.

While knowledge is constructed by the individual learner in constructivism, knowledge can also be socially constructed. Social Constructivism is the effort to show that the construction of knowledge is governed by social, historical and cultural contexts. In effect, this is to say that the learner who interprets knowledge has a predetermined point of view according to the social perspectives of the community or society he lives in.

The psychologist Vygotsky stressed that learning is affected by social influences. He suggested the interactive process in learning. A more capable adult (teacher or parent) can aid or complement what the learner sees in a given tasks or project. In addition, John Dewey sees language as medium for social coordination and adaptation. For Dewey, human learning is really human languag
ing that occurs when students socially share, build and agree upon meanings and knowledge.

The Computer’s Capabilities

Informative Tool

The computer can provide vast amounts of information in various forms, such as text, graphics, sound, and video. Even multimedia encyclopedias are today available on the internet.

Communication Tool

The computer has been used in communication as evident by social networking sites as to facebook, twitter and friendster. We can even chat/talk friends and families anywhere in the globe through yahoo messenger or the one in facebook or view them through the webcam. We can send messages and information through the internet in just seconds or minutes.

Constructive Tool

The computer itself can be used for manipulating information, visualizing one’s understanding, and building new knowledge. The Microsoft Word computer program itself is a desktop publishing software that allows users to organize and present their ideas in attractive formats.

Co-constructive Tool

Students can use constructive tools to work cooperatively and construct a shared understanding of new knowledge. One way of co-construction is the use of the electronic whiteboard where students may post notices to a shared document/whiteboard. Students may also co-edit the same document from their homes.

Situating Tool

By means of virtual reality (RS) extension systems, the computer can create 3-D images on display to give the user the feeling that are situated in a virtual environment. A flight simulation program is an example of a situating tool which places the user in simulated flying environment.


As far as I remember, the first time I observed a teacher using computer as a tool, was when I was on the first year of high school. He was using a projector and let us watched a video related to our topic that was about the outer space. I was really amazed when he showed it to us since it was my first time to experience it. I remembered that all of us are very attentive since we were really enjoying watching it. It’s just showed that we were all enjoyed to what we have experienced during that time. And because of that tool (the computer and the projector) used by our teacher, we would be able to understand fully during that time what is the life of the man on the outer space and its implication to us here inside the earth. Computer is infrequently used in my high school years by my teachers as a tool but I was exposed really on it when I was on college and this is the time when I really observed the teacher who used computer as a tool in teaching and learning process.


Based on the experiences and the things that I have learned, I realized that it should be a must that we should always know how to apply things to other, we must know how to integrate things and to reflect on the things that we are doing. The experiences that we have and all the lessons that we have been through have different kinds of impact to us if we just reflect on it and think about it deeply, we have differences on some other things, we can view things differently, but still, we can make connections out from these differences to have a good solution and an effective factor that can maybe contribute to what is our prior idea or knowledge that could answer the questions in our mind and to our future student. I also realized that the teacher should be skilled enough not just on the manipulation of computer but also on application of these computers and other technologies to teaching and learning process to have a better understanding on lessons.


I can apply this topic to the future student that I may have, just like on the above statements, I should integrate the topics that I have to the technology available but also considering other factors like interest of the student, year level, and etc. we could really apply it in the future if in the first place we could teach and the resources are all available, not unless we could provide our own materials with regards to this.

Lesson 10: The Computer as a Tutor

           The Computer is a tutor in this new age of learning. It does not replace the teacher, although it assumes certain roles previously assigned to teachers who now has to take the new role of facilitator and guide.
             Also, computer activities are not the end-all of learning since they have to conform to the lesson/curriculum. Integrating computer exercises is the new task of the teacher who can find in the computer and computer software an alternative medium to the traditional classroom practice of delivering information and supporting learning activities.
        In the years ahead, we shall see the computer in schools as a common tool for the enhancement of the student’s thinking, communication and collaboration skills. Computers will become an integral component of the future classroom and not a mere machine that can deliver routine drills and exercise.

            I experienced this thing before when I have a little information about computer and can’t still use it properly and during the time when I’m still afraid of pointing something on the computer for I think it would be damaged or broken. The computer taught me on how to widen and broaden my ideas and add on the prior knowledge that I have. I experienced the computer as a tutor when I can manage to find the internet on the computer and search on it. There, I had manage to gain more ideas and information and applied it on my future experiences like on the present situation. I can’t remember anything about my teacher using computer as a tutor during our time since the experienced I had was just based on my own experience without the consent or aid of our teacher before.
            On the topics and lesson we learned, we could always reflect and learned new things out from it. And because of these things, we would still manage to make things better and help others. Because of it, I realized that in order to learn new better things, we need to experience something that could make us realize about that thing. I think that it is a must that we should always be open minded and be explorative, because by that, we could maybe make mistakes but we can earn something better out from it. we may able to make things worse on first try but we can make something better on the second try if we are open enough to learn and make an effort to make things right. I also learn that in order to learn things, we should also be willing to engage ourselves on it. I realize that just like a computer, we could also be a tutor to our student in the future that can really affect their life. I realized that just like a human being who can enhance our skills, broaden our ideas and can make us understand fully about a certain topic, the computer can really is.

            I think, i can apply it when I am already on the field where I can teach and of course, I have the materials or equipment that I can use when I am teaching already. When I’m good enough in manipulating computer, I can integrate computer by using it on the activity that I can use on a certain topic that I have. Just like a computer, we could not just be a tutor but also a developer to our future students. 

Linggo, Agosto 9, 2015

History of Educational Technology and ICT

            This topic explains about the How the ICT and Educational Technology was originated. According to the topic, ICT stands for the Information and Communication Technology which is really a broad field. It includes telephones, cellular networks, satellite communication, broadcasting media, and other forms of communication. The reporter said that the uplifting in communication and technology is from the analogy to technical.  However, the characteristics of digital technology are Media Integrity, Media integration, Flexible interaction, Transactions business, Tailoring, and Editing. ICT undergoes different revolution which includes Computer, PC advances, Microprocessor, Internet which imitated by Unite States and the Wireless Links. On the other hand, History of Educational Technology includes the following: Inquiry of Socratic Method where Socrates used to his students Plato and Zenophon, Sequence of Object-teaching where it used Realia, Affordable Education on 1806-1853 where it used reinforcement and punishment, Distance Education on 1852-1892 where it used stenograph and post-office, Object teaching- Quincy Method where learning by doing is implemented by exposing them to real-life situation, Method of apperception where sensory activity assimilate new concept with old concept, Visual Instruction on 1910-1923 where it is need for mass instruction, Introduction of PC, Satellite TV systems where it provides cost effective method of training from various locations, World Wide Web on 1989-1993 which lead to graphical and text-rich world of internet, Student response System on 1990 which receive feedback to questions in an educational setting, Learning management Systems on 2007-2012 which function is to assist learning, Participatory Journalism on 2007 which the world comments and participate in news, Khan Academy, Edmodo: Social Networking, Legendary Computers.
            All of these applications being mentioned were very common especially, I think, I have tried most of it until now. But I cannot remember if all is due to educational purposes. I remember when I use computer first is to play games only. And I started to use computer for searching for our projects when I was in third year high school already though my first time was in grade four. But most of the things that was mentioned was also mentioned during our IT subjects and used it for educational purposes. We did try making our own website but it was blocked since we are paying for it. But still, we would be able to experience it.
            After knowing all the things that we have Experienced, I realize that I am still fortunate for I have experience some of the things that others may not experience. Maybe, someday, I could use my knowledge and skills in applying it to real life situation where others can benefit. I think being competent enough on computers now can make you gain more of the interest of your future students that are having their interest on computer and other computer related things. I realized, knowing the History of Educational Technology and ICT make you more feel blessed and appreciate it more because of some innovations that they acquire because of curiosity. I think that it is more appreciable if we could use this in good things that could help our endeavours and inspired everyone the beauty of these things.

            Just like the other things, We could apply these things using those experiences, skills and knowledge that we have so that, we would be able to make them realize the beauty of it and how could it help us if we properly use it and how it could destroy ourselves and our environment if not properly done. We could use ICT in implanting the topic to the students, assessment of these topics and evaluation of your students with regards to the topic that you have. 

Lesson 9: Computers as an Information and Communication Technology

            This topic talks about how the computer becomes a source of information for easily access and a communication tool for better learning. Based on the topic, it become a computer assisted Instruction which has the aim of Individualized learning and realism which appeals with drill exercises and by using colour, music and animations. This computer is really used in education as being mentioned above. The most common nowadays is the PC or personal computer which is a communication media that has an audio-visual media as ICT which is also use in educational media and instructional media. Instructional Media includes the Photo, film, video while the Educational Media includes the Print, film, TV, radio and etc. Personal Computer have many things inside just like the Microsoft office which includes the PowerPoint, Excel, Internet Explorer, yahoo, google, and adobe. this personal computer has the reader, MSN, Media player, Cybelink Power, Game house which can be used in teaching and learning process.
            I have experience using all of these applications. At first, of course it is really hard to memorize the patterns and to operate it. But with the help of practice, you would be able to make it and operate it with ease. And based on the experiences it is really useful especially in doing things and searching for something. It is very convenient and comfortable to use. Though, there are those hard to operate because I’m not used to it but still, we can keep that thing aside first. From the IT subject to that we had up to the Educational Technology 1 that we have experience, I think, all of those things were covered and given an activity using those applications and programs. Nowadays, it is rally normal in using and being exposed to these things since mostly of the homes now are having their PC which makes them acquainted with programs and applications. On the other hand, I still observed that there are still those who do not know how to operate well a thing like his. but still, there are those who are afraid of using it.
            Based on the Experiences and Observations that I have, I realize that nowadays, it is very common that you are having you personal computer at your house. Although there are still places which these kind of technology never acquainted or meet. Beyond the great impact of these technologies to us, I realize that it starting making the human beings so dependent on it and making them lazy sine they grew up in an era where everything can get easily. As a future teacher, we should know better ourselves if we are a catalyst of change for better or for worse. We should be a good reflector, model, mentor and agent so that in everything we do; we can inspire goodness and improvement. I realize that I should observe more, learn more, and reflect more from the environment that I belong and to those I cannot reach. I realize that we should be responsible enough to our actions so that we would aware if we are doing right or not

            We could apply these things when we started to teach no just in our student teaching but also in our future teaching. We should be equipped enough with knowledge about these and skills on how to operate it. We should be competent enough in our future teaching that we could apply these skills that we have learned for implementing and assessing the students that we may have. We should expose our student in different aspects of these so that they would be competent also not just in operating it but also on integrating it to their learning and future use. we should let them realize also on how to use this properly and appropriately so that they would be nurtured not just with knowledge about these but also with values and attitudes that could inspire others and make a better future

Lesson 8: Higher Thinking Skills through IT-Based projects

            This topic focus on the Resourced based projects which compares the learning model and the learning resource model. Here, they discussed about the simple creation which have the sub division of five key tasks to develop creativity which includes defining the task, brainstorming, judging the ideas, acting, and adopting flexibility. On the other hand, guided hypermedia Projects divided into two which includes the Instructive tools and Constructive tools. The differences between the two divisions are quiet clear. And the Web-based projects are the last that was presented.

Though, I am not that creative kind of person, I can still think of something I think which is creative. I noticed that most of the projects that I have experience are under the Simple creations. The most common medium that we are using is the paper. Although these kinds of projects really construct and instruct something, it does not have any use of technology that we are talking about. Yet, I have experience having a Hypermedia-based project when I was in high school, third year, when our teacher in computer required us to make a powerpoint presentation about something and use excel in calculating something. That was our first time in making a project of computer but because we do not have any regular class in computer subject, those who do not know how to operate felt so bad about it including me. Honestly, I just experience making projects using web-based is in college, during our educational technology 1 and IT. It is in College that I experience all of these kinds of projects.
            Through the Experiences that I have been through, I realized that exposing of the learners in different kinds of projects is necessary for better learning and therefore making them more competent and confident enough to another experiences and challenge in the future. I think, one of the factors that could make hindrance in applying these projects by a teacher or a school, because they don’t have a clear curriculum which implement this and do not have enough equipment that would cater all the students. I think the best thing to consider is the budget of the school and the initiative of a teacher, because, it is easy to say that we could cope up with these problems but when you are already on the real scenario, it is hard to cope up and integrate all the materials available in teaching. I think that the stakeholders of a certain school are not strong enough to give everything in making the students’ use of these things. I realized that in designing the projects for a topic, you really need to consider everything that could affect it. It is not only on the technology that can show our creativity but also the small things that can we make using simple materials.
            You can apply this project in your teaching using different media if you yourself have all the materials and equipment in implementing it. You can also apply it if your student could really relate to it, if these students are good enough in operating these kinds of things. But still, if you are having a hard planning what kind of material is appropriate in your topic, you can still use simple creations that would really an outstanding product of their imagination and creativity. As a future teacher, you should know what is the standing or position of your student so that you would know if a certain project could be applicable to them. You can apply these things if you are competent enough of your skills and knowledge about it. But don’t forget that you can still think of an alternative in making a project a good factor of learning.

Lesson 7: Evaluation of Technology Learning

Lesson 7: Evaluation of Technology Learning
            This topic talks about how we are going to evaluate or judge technology as a whole or specific. According to the topic that we had, we should have Mass Amateurization. It means that we should be also good enough for the changes that our environment has. We, as a future teacher should be good enough on the things that we must be improve. We should remember always and do not forget that the goal of this is to bridge the gap between the amateur individual to those professional ones. We should not let our student have even a single leaner to be amateur in using this technology. We should adapt to the change that is happening to our environment, this would include on how we are going to evaluate our students in doing their activity. we should remember that the evaluation we are applying to the activity that our student have done should be in line with the assessment/ activity have undergone. This evaluation should not just be good enough to make them feel the instant reward that they expecting but also should cater not just their skills but also their logical and critical thinking skills.

            On the experiences that I have on my high school years, I think that my teachers before are not equipped enough with skills that they should possess since I observed that they usually don’t apply this thing to us. I just observed this kind of evaluation when I was in college already where different teacher of mine are using different strategy in doing their evaluation that just not cater our thinking skills but other skills rather than this. I noticed that it is not also the fault of teacher before in not using this kind of evaluation, maybe because our school before lack some of these things that could be used in evaluation and making the students involve in this. I experienced using computer when I was in high school in second year level and fourth year, the problem is we just made some research and the guidelines and rules are not clear and specific resulting to a nonsense product. I observed that this kind of evaluation can be noticed in a school where the teacher really loves teaching and the school is having complete materials and equipment. I observed that those teachers who does not undergo any training about the skill of it really striving to cope up with it but there are still those who do not care

            Based on the experiences that I have, I realize that sometimes, no matter how tried we do, we cannot achieve something because it is beyond our hands, it beyond our capability, and beyond our reach. Sometimes, we tend to do anything in achieving these things but forget those important ones. I realized that sometimes, the things we have done for good result to chaos. As a future teacher, we should be prepare enough not just to those technology that may arise but to the effects it could have to you and to your student in the future. You need to practice in balancing everything, because based on the observations and experiences; I realized that everything should be in balance so that the learning of the student is really there. You need to be a good scriptwriter in making a story that is very comprehensive and very substantial to them that is having a smooth connection from the topic that you are discussing up to the evaluation that you are using with the aid of technology. I realized that we should be aware enough of the impacts of these to our students in the future.

            In line with the reflection and the experiences that we have undergone, we could apply this in implement in doing evaluation to your students in the future. You could use technology based evaluation if you think it is more appropriate. It means that it depends upon the topic that you have. It can be more applied in doing laboratory activity like virtual game we did in our cell biology. We could use PowerPoint in having quizzes or doing something actually using the PowerPoint as a guide, in that, we could say that we are having an evaluation using technology.

Lesson 6: Developing Digital Skills

            This topic is all about how the basic skills could be develop. According to the report and the source, it has six (6) new generation fluency which includes collaboration, media, information, creativity, digital ethics and solution fluency. In developing Basic skills, learner should know how to share, collaborate, create and have purpose to develop this literacy. Collaboration can bridge for partnership and can be virtual interaction through discovery learning. Media fluency is for mass communications. Creativity fluency occurs when you are doing/creating something using technology. However, in Digital ethics focuses as a positive or negative impact of this to the student or learner. They emphasized also that you should develop these skills because you might encounter in your student a more skilled in computer.
            I remember when I first tried to use computer, I always think that when I just accidentally click one button, maybe the computer will be damaged or crash. As a student now and as a preparation to the future teaching, I really let myself expose to different things. As I go along to my journey, I observe that most of the students of a public school, still, don’t know how to operate even a single computer since the school where they are in are just making these computers as figurines that stopping them to develop the skills being mentioned above. I also observe that most of the learners who are good enough in operating computers are not equipped enough with these fluencies. Some may acquire these all but mostly are not. Some are good enough and really skilled on one of these fluencies but other fluencies are being stagnant. And based on the observations that I have, collaboration, media and solution are mostly abundant to most of the students especially boys, since most of the boys nowadays are enjoying playing online games which enable them to make strategies and making them think easily of some tactics and solution to the problem they face
            Based on the Experiences that I have, I realized that being a teacher soon, it should be crucial for us to face this dilemma. But it also makes us challenge on facing it. I think that as a teacher, we could relate to the students ideas and interest, we should not make these technology our opponent to the students’ interest. But still, we should let them realize the importance and advantages of applying technology in appropriate way; we should let them develop their digital fluency. Because I realize that Digital fluency is the most unnoticed fluency that most of the students lack nowadays. I realize that we should use these fluencies for a better future. And as a future mentor of these technologies, we should still be equipped with this fluency so that the student would learn and inspired by us. we should not just tech them with these principles but we must involve them so that, they would learn and realize something.

            We could apply this topic whatever it is because it can be applied easily when teaching. Since, this topic is like teaching good values and attitude the students. It is like teaching them with the scientific attitude but also tech them with the effects of these If properly used and if not. We would be able to let them see the Beauty of it if appropriately applied and the Ugliness of it if otherwise. It can be applied if we, ourselves are good enough with these different fluencies.

Lesson 5: Preferences of Technology Generation

     This topic talks tells about how and why the traditional learners learn and compare it to the digital learners nowadays. Comparison between the two is shown through different division that was being mentioned. I was said that the traditional learners prefer manual manipulation in doing things. It was also compare between the text and visual, Linear and hypermedia in which it was said that the traditional learners are more logical compared now, Independent and Social learners, Learning to do and Learning to pass the test which stated that they are using standardized test and they just learn because they wanted to pass the test compare to the new generation or the digital learners which wanted to learn because they want to acquire knowledge and skills, Rote memory and Fun learning which state that the traditional learner are content-based and the digital learners are not , Delayed rewards and Instant which mentioned that in the Traditional Learners are having rewards in medals, grades, honors

and Diplomas after a period of time while the Digital Learners can have their rewards through excitement on the chats, and on the scores after their game.
             Based on the Experiences and observations, these things are really true and very common. I noticed that most of the learners nowadays are really dependent on technology and all of the explanation they have said are all happening and can be observed to these learners. In terms of the traditional learners, you can really notice and observed the logical thinking they have compared to the young ones now. I can also observe in myself being so fun in doing stuff on the internet or computer. Being so exposed to the technology nowadays are very crucial to stop adapting since we, as a human being are really good in these things.
            Based on the report and observations that I have, I realized that having the high technology nowadays give advantages that are really convincing and convenient to use but also having more disadvantages that can be seen on broader perspective. And as a future teacher, we should be aware of this and should know what to do that could minimize this and how to do it. We should also be competent enough that we could integrate the topic we have and the technology available. We should minimize the things that were mentioned above and encourage critical and logical thinking with the aid of technology. I also realized, having the instant rewards that a learner could have after a certain activity, there is possibility that they would possess or acquire having a short patience. so, as a future facilitator of a class, we should do something about it, we should let them realize that although learning is fun and because of technology, they could acquire laziness, we should teach them the scientific attitude which also includes having a long patience. Lastly, as one of the digital learners, we should also practice in having the attitude and values of traditional learners before because these attitudes and values they had before let them learn so much and help them realize more things and explore more. Though we are in the world that technology is really abundant, we should always remember that everything too much is bad which includes too much usage of technology, it is not just bad to the learning and mind set of the student; it is also bad in the health of a user.
            As a future educator, adapting in change is very necessary especially nowadays. We are going to expose ourselves to diverse individuals who may have better skills and ideas in using a computer or other technologies. You can apply this on the future teaching, first, by identifying what kind of learner are they and what could be the suitable strategies that can be applied to them. You should know the basic things that should be consider in dealing with them. But if you think that using the traditional way of teaching them is more appropriate than using the this technology, it’s up to you. You just need remember that you are not the main source of knowledge in this generation.

Linggo, Hulyo 19, 2015

Lesson 4: Bridging the Generation Gap

Analyn Andus                                                                                     July 19, 2015
BSEd-General Science                                                                                   MW 3:00-4:00 pm
Educational Technology 2
Lesson 4: Bridging the Generation Gap

            The reporter tackled about the materials being used before and compared it to present times. They also mentioned about the materials used in instruction before in classroom settings and todays materials. They traced back the things that are important before and its product. They also compared the focus of teaching and learning in a classroom. According to them, the focus of teaching before is on the teacher however, nowadays, you would notice that it is the learner is the focus compared to the time before. They mentioned about the traditional school which shows the school of boar-talk teach method and win which the student are using books in teaching. On the other hand, the digital school have much technology compared to the traditional one. in here, you could notice that the student are using tablets, laptops and android phones which could be used as an aid or a tool in teaching and learning process. They mentioned about the technology supported skills which include the spreadsheet, database, electronic presentation, web navigation, file manager skills, explorer things and digital cameras.
             The reporter had a lecture method in explaining the topic. They made a good interaction between their listeners to them. They showed different images of these supported skills which compare the school before to nowadays. They give advantages and disadvantages about digital school and traditional school. It was also interactive during the question and answer portion of the reporting.
            Based on the report, I realized that it really good in knowing the materials being used before and nowadays. Though, it is clearly emphasized the use and the good product of it but still, we would be able to know and appreciate it better if we know how it is being founded and started. I realized how significant could be the improvement and development of technology not just in the society but also on the educational matters. Together with the improvement and development of technology, the mind set of individuals as well as the student or the learners develop. I noticed that it’s not just the mind-set of the student changed and develop but also their skills since mostly nowadays are very exposed to the technology. The barriers between the past and present situation was erased due to the stronger connection between them. I also realized that technology can be effectively used in teaching if you have the authority in using it properly. You should use it too in an appropriate way with regards to the topic you have. Since we all know that it really has disadvantages in teaching and learning process, we must be aware of what the student could do with it. We must know in advance how to stop their misusing or at least minimize it. We should show proper ways of using it and a good product it may result if there is proper usage. We should be a good model to them in showing how we use these technology properly that could encourage them in doing it so. I also learned that if you are reporting in front, sometimes you must have to make some twist on your style and learn to have a sense of humour especially if you are lecturing alone so that your listener would not felt bored and still in to you.

            In applying this concept to real life situation is a bit challenging and interesting. It has something to do with the Integration and connection of one topic to another. It has something to do on how we are going to connect the topic that we had to the next topic which uses the technology available. It’s somewhat making a bridge between two places so that they could make a good relationship to one another. In relation to the topic, we should know what their connections are and how we could use it that should result to an effective teaching. If you have a very theoretical topic which would make them feel bored, you should know how to apply some high technology that would be useful not just in delivering the topic that you have but also should get the attention and interest of your student. You should erased the barrier between your topic and the students interest, you should know how to integrate the technology that they into to the topic that you have to teach. You should always bear in mind how and when to apply the technology properly.