Linggo, Agosto 9, 2015

Lesson 8: Higher Thinking Skills through IT-Based projects

            This topic focus on the Resourced based projects which compares the learning model and the learning resource model. Here, they discussed about the simple creation which have the sub division of five key tasks to develop creativity which includes defining the task, brainstorming, judging the ideas, acting, and adopting flexibility. On the other hand, guided hypermedia Projects divided into two which includes the Instructive tools and Constructive tools. The differences between the two divisions are quiet clear. And the Web-based projects are the last that was presented.

Though, I am not that creative kind of person, I can still think of something I think which is creative. I noticed that most of the projects that I have experience are under the Simple creations. The most common medium that we are using is the paper. Although these kinds of projects really construct and instruct something, it does not have any use of technology that we are talking about. Yet, I have experience having a Hypermedia-based project when I was in high school, third year, when our teacher in computer required us to make a powerpoint presentation about something and use excel in calculating something. That was our first time in making a project of computer but because we do not have any regular class in computer subject, those who do not know how to operate felt so bad about it including me. Honestly, I just experience making projects using web-based is in college, during our educational technology 1 and IT. It is in College that I experience all of these kinds of projects.
            Through the Experiences that I have been through, I realized that exposing of the learners in different kinds of projects is necessary for better learning and therefore making them more competent and confident enough to another experiences and challenge in the future. I think, one of the factors that could make hindrance in applying these projects by a teacher or a school, because they don’t have a clear curriculum which implement this and do not have enough equipment that would cater all the students. I think the best thing to consider is the budget of the school and the initiative of a teacher, because, it is easy to say that we could cope up with these problems but when you are already on the real scenario, it is hard to cope up and integrate all the materials available in teaching. I think that the stakeholders of a certain school are not strong enough to give everything in making the students’ use of these things. I realized that in designing the projects for a topic, you really need to consider everything that could affect it. It is not only on the technology that can show our creativity but also the small things that can we make using simple materials.
            You can apply this project in your teaching using different media if you yourself have all the materials and equipment in implementing it. You can also apply it if your student could really relate to it, if these students are good enough in operating these kinds of things. But still, if you are having a hard planning what kind of material is appropriate in your topic, you can still use simple creations that would really an outstanding product of their imagination and creativity. As a future teacher, you should know what is the standing or position of your student so that you would know if a certain project could be applicable to them. You can apply these things if you are competent enough of your skills and knowledge about it. But don’t forget that you can still think of an alternative in making a project a good factor of learning.

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