Miyerkules, Setyembre 23, 2015

Lesson 12: Information Technology in support of student-centered learning

       Desiring to gain effectiveness, efficiency and economy in administration and instruction, schools in these developed economies have also adopted the support of ICTs. Their students have now become active not passive learners, who can interact with other learners, demonstrating independence and self-awareness in the learning process.
Generally the new school classroom environment is characterized by student individually or in groups:
·         Performing computer word processing for text or graph presentations
·         Preparing power-point presentation
·         Searching for information on the internet
·         Brainstorming on ideas, problems and project plans
·         As needed, the teacher facilitating instruction, also giving individualized instruction to serve individual needs
Given this new trend in teaching-and-learning, it must be pointed out, however, that traditional classroom activities – especially in less developed countries – will continue to have strong place in the classroom. In spite of this setback experienced in some countries, the option has now been opened for the modern teacher to shift gears to student centered learning.

            When we were in second year I think, we had our information technology subject. here, we would be able to know what is the meaning of that, the significance to our course and of course, we would experience what are the common products out from the knowledge we had in our lecture, in laboratory, we really did make many things and of course, with the aid of our teacher, and the exercises they have prepared. The things we have made are applicable on our course since in the future, we should know how to make something from computer which the involvement of the student really seen. As far as I remembered, the cards, calendars, cartoon, web, and many more are really a great experience because it can really give us an idea and an experience that we might not get in the future.
            Based on the image that we could imagine by tracing back the past we were still on the process of learning in Information Technology course, I realized that the involvement of the student really a big impact to all of them. It can give them experiences but also learning’s that others may not get in the future, it’s an honour and privileged to be in that situation of ours. I realized that the experienced that I had help me a lot in my educational technology 1 and 2. it really help me in introducing to the first and second educational technology. it let me experienced the things I may not experience d if I’m not on the situation like those. I think the involvement of a student in a certain situation r activity arranged by the teacher really help a lot to the student if he/she is really engaging or involving herself to the activity. If a student is really helping herself and really willing to learn from the given activity, the result would really be something special. I think, it’s not about on how the complicated the activity is, it’s about, how active and involved the students are on a certain activity.

            As I was saying, Involvement of the student on an activity is a must. If you wanted to make your activity a successful one, you have to make sure that everything you plan is achievable and clear, concise. In the future near that I would be teaching, I think I ca apply this topic if the school I would be teaching have complete enough the course for this topic or they have complete or have most of the materials or equipment I may be needing. I think also, the preparedness that I may have should always be there in the sense that I can really confidently manipulate and teach my student about it, and it would maybe easily for me to be on a crucial situation that I can face on the near future. It is also a big help if you yourself can integrate even to the simplest thing you can imagine from your topic based on the major of specialization that you have to the topic of information technology or to the topic you will be teaching soon in the future.

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