Miyerkules, Setyembre 23, 2015

Lesson 18: Tablets for Textbook in Schools

           Today, books are still the primary medium of instruction in most schools. Already, there is a disadvantage of using books for learning that are being debated upon. The errors in public school textbooks have also been exposed, errors resulting from wrong information, technical mistakes and editorial lapses.

      Today, technology is being viewed as a savior because the students are enamoured by computer games. By that, the educators have begun to think that the computer screen can very well serve as a power point educational medium.

      In general, tablets as a primary learning tool can be replacing the textbooks. Tablets are conducive to higher thinking, constructive and participative teaching-and-learning. By that, parents gave full support to the IT advancement. Technology itself may be a key to problem resolution and Filipino ingenuity is called to respond to the challenge facing the digital generation of the millennium.

            I never experience tablets as a textbook in a school since in the first place, me myself do not have any tablets. Second, the school where I am enrolled is not that rich school that have these tablets that can make their students use in school. I think, these things should be applied only for those high classes’ schools or in the future where tablets are easy to access and affordable enough.
            I think, the use of these tablets are good if the school really have their own tablets where the application are all for the school purposes but if the student have their own tablet that they would use, it can be a big disadvantage where the student really be pushed to make something else in room without noticing it by the teacher. If it would be employed in the classroom setting, I hope that it would be a boon than bane. With the proper use of it, it can be good factor of disseminating information and a bridge toward the topic that should be presented and the student where the topic is presented.

            We can apply this if we already have enough knowledge about it and we already have control on it in terms of proper usage and a good factor in the educational process. It can be a good agent of transferring information but it cannot deny the fact that since our country is still coping on it, we cannot implement this because of the factors that have mentioned above

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