Miyerkules, Setyembre 23, 2015

Lesson 17: Educational Technology Practicum

            This topic should be a hands on activity where in the student are supposed to make a draft in Microsoft word and PowerPoint, here they should have a product of an encoded thing where in the prior knowledge of them about PowerPoint and word should be applied on it. It should be an advantage for those who really have expertise in editing on both. In Microsoft word, we can put pictures, text and edit it on it while on the PowerPoint; we can put images, videos, pictures, text. We can edit on the Word in text, images, and grammars of a sentence. However, on the PowerPoint, we cannot edit grammars but we can check the spelling of the word and others. In short, these two may have similarities; they also have these differences that make them unique. As an addition, we can still put hyperlink to both and comment. But of course, we cannot make animations and transitions on the word for it will be printed afterwards. On the other hand, just like the discussion above on the internet, here, we can do many things, we can make almost everything. But of course, on the evaluation part of it is really crucial.
Nowadays, with the advent of internet, we can make
            I think all of us really experience in making PowerPoint slides and making an output from the Microsoft word. Now, with the advent of internet, we can still make use of PowerPoint and word but can be enhance or improved with the use of internet. I remembered when I use internet itself as a background of my PowerPoint. It was so fascinating and very crucial to make but when you can see the product of your hard work, you will feel good and satisfied since you put your all efforts on it.
            In doing your slides and making output from the word, it is really convincing and can be effective if you put something that is so familiar. I realized, doing PowerPoint slides is really easy. The difficult part is to make something that you could get the attention of your listeners or making them attentive with the use of PowerPoint slides that you made. The concept you want to portray without distorting the topic you will be presenting. Honestly, there is one person on my mind when I talk about the concept and creativity of PowerPoint slides. It’s just that, based on the observations that I made, the PowerPoint he’s presenting really can get attention of the listener and although there is someone also who really have the skill in showing a good PowerPoint, but in terms  of concept-making that would make it an PowerPoint that is attention-catcher. And because of these things, I realized that I should be like them who really have great interest on making PowerPoint so that the topic they would present would be effective. I also realized that through long period of time of exposure to a certain thing, you maybe not master in making that stuff but you will improved and enhance on the things you would try if you just put an effort. At the end of the day, you would be gaining a lesson from something, you like it or not because I believe, that is the nature of human being; we just cannot notice it most of the time.

            We can always apply these things to our future career, being a teacher, we can make PowerPoint, use word in our lesson plan, and innovate things using internet. By these things and information, we can always make things better. We can apply what we have experience in our past courses and integrate it to our future teaching. We can always make use of our prior knowledge like in our Information Technology and Education Technology and applied it in this topic that can also be applied on our future careers. 

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