Linggo, Hulyo 19, 2015

Lesson 3: Understanding Technology learners

Analyn  Andus                                                                                                July 19, 2015
BSEd- General Science                                                                                  MW3:00-4:00pm
Educational Technology
Lesson 3: Understanding Technology learners
            According to the reporters, the student of technology learners are the student of 21st century since they are engaged on higher technology compared to before. They mentioned about what the scientist said about learners. They emphasized that the teachers on this stage should engage the learners or students to technology-based so that they would know their skills. They also mentioned that due to improvement of technology, the learning style of the student change.  With the help of other students’ ideas, the technology student definition and description is clarified. They also said that books are sort of technology but it is older style of instructional material compared to the technology being used nowadays.
            Just like the other reporter, they also did some questioning method and lectured method. The questioned was accommodated after they lectured. They also give their insights with regards to their report. They even mentioned about the advantages and disadvantages of technology-based method. Lot of intriguing questioned was raised and answered resulting to a very interactive class.  Though, some questioned were not answered by the reporter but still they would be able to give their additional ideas and opinion that they think might answered to the question.
            Honestly, after their report, I was curious on how are we going to deliver our report soon since the entire topic that they had reported are some sort of giving insights. But still, I was happy for the performance they did because they really give their best in delivering the topic. Honestly, when I listened to the reporter, I understand the concept they’re trying to say but when the question and answer came, I was again confused due to some intrigue questions that arise. But still, I would be able to cope up when I listened to each opinions and collaboration of ideas my classmates gave.  I realized, it would really well if you arranged and organize your report completely and look for a good angle that would make your listeners understand the topic you’re delivering comprehensively. And of course, you must not forget to make a good description even to the simple words that may include in the concept of your report. Due to interactive discussion, I also realized that being an open-minded person would really give you more ideas in elaborating and explaining things. I realized also that knowing the basic concept and relating to the complicated one could help you more understand your topic and let others to understand it too comprehensively. I learned that to understand the technology learners, we, as a future teacher, must engage ourselves in technology so that we could relate to them and as what I’m always stating, could get their interest and attention that could lead to a product of their thoughts and imagination.
            This topic could be applied in understanding your student, on how are you going to relate, engage and adapt to them yourselves. Here, you should use diverse strategy and methods in dealing and teaching with them. This should cater their multiple intelligences and make a good product that shows their personality. This should imply with technology so that, they would enjoy what are they doing. And as a future teacher, you should be a good manager and a facilitator in your classroom. You should know how to lessen the disadvantages and boosting the advantages of technology in our classroom. The three domain of your student should be developed, like in cognitive; you must have an activity using the technology that would cater their critical thinking and strategy based on the topic that you have. In affective, you should let them make something using technology that would serve as a product of their feelings toward the topic they took. However, on the psychomotor domain, the student should be able to perform something using technology based on the topic that you have. In short, the things that you must do are focus to them and should be applicable to the technology. Being a good planner could result to a conducive and interactive teaching and learning process of your classroom.

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