Linggo, Hulyo 19, 2015

Lesson 2:An Overview: Educational Technology

Analyn Andus                                                                                     July 20, 2015
BSEd-General Science                                                                                   MW 3:00-4:00 pm
Educational Technology 2
Lesson 2: An Overview: Educational Technology
            The reporter discussed about the possible topics of Educational Technology that can be applied to teaching and learning process. She compared the strategy being used before and compared it to present which uses higher technology. She emphasized that the expectation after the class sessions should be inclined with the teaching for a good result. It was also mentioned that the things that we must consider in teaching like making a difference and review some sort of things that could enhance the teaching and learning process. She summarized the topics on Educational Technology 2 and made some reflection on how we could use it in future teaching while integrating the topics in Educational Technology 1 to Educational Technology 2. She mentioned the application of possible topics in educational technology and what are the advantages and disadvantages of these topics not just on the teacher side but also on the learning of the students.
            The reporter used Questioning method in explaining and elaborating the topic. She asked students, what are their ideas in educational technology and how could they apply it to their practicum and their teaching in future. She did make an activity like paint-me-a-picture in portraying the comparison about the implementation of teaching before and in present. Explaining the picture they portray and mentioning what could be the advantages it could result in learning of the student and teaching of the teachers.  The reporter let us to grouped ourselves in a minute and then let us pictured out a scenario of the teaching and learning process before the higher technology was used and where in the center of teaching is on the teacher. however, we also pictured out the implementation of the topic where in it is student-centered and the technology is higher compared before which showed how the teacher used the technology in teaching and getting the attention and interest  of the student.
            The report implemented taught a big role of educational technology in teaching and learning process. I realized that it’s not enough to be mastered and expert of the topics in educational technology but it should be emphasized that we should also master and expert in applying these concepts in real life situation, in our future teaching. We should always be ready and be imaginative so that it can be used in our teaching soon. The reporter were true in mentioning that we should always engage ourselves in teaching using these technology so that we could get the attention and interest of our student. We should always think of something that could relate to their life and hobbies. I realized that knowing and understanding the overview of educational technology 2 would help me in coping easily the topic to our future teaching and discussion of each topic it contained. I think, it would be better if it is really emphasized the topics that could be discussed in this course and mentioning the proper application of it. I also realized that organization not just on the topic but also the ideas or thought should be properly emphasized and elaborated. we should always bear in our mind that preparation of our topic in a comprehensive way should always maintained.
            These topic can be applied in making an overview of your topic, in classroom, it can be served as the objectives of the teacher in his/her lesson plan. Since, these objectives are the guiding star of the teacher in teaching. Just like this topic, it would give us an idea on what are the things that we should and must learn at the end of the class sessions and discussions. As a future teacher, we should know how to make an overview of the topic comprehensive so that the student would not be confused from the overview to the implementation and conclusion of the topic. we should always emphasized and segregate these things appropriately.

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