Linggo, Hulyo 19, 2015

Lesson 4: Bridging the Generation Gap

Analyn Andus                                                                                     July 19, 2015
BSEd-General Science                                                                                   MW 3:00-4:00 pm
Educational Technology 2
Lesson 4: Bridging the Generation Gap

            The reporter tackled about the materials being used before and compared it to present times. They also mentioned about the materials used in instruction before in classroom settings and todays materials. They traced back the things that are important before and its product. They also compared the focus of teaching and learning in a classroom. According to them, the focus of teaching before is on the teacher however, nowadays, you would notice that it is the learner is the focus compared to the time before. They mentioned about the traditional school which shows the school of boar-talk teach method and win which the student are using books in teaching. On the other hand, the digital school have much technology compared to the traditional one. in here, you could notice that the student are using tablets, laptops and android phones which could be used as an aid or a tool in teaching and learning process. They mentioned about the technology supported skills which include the spreadsheet, database, electronic presentation, web navigation, file manager skills, explorer things and digital cameras.
             The reporter had a lecture method in explaining the topic. They made a good interaction between their listeners to them. They showed different images of these supported skills which compare the school before to nowadays. They give advantages and disadvantages about digital school and traditional school. It was also interactive during the question and answer portion of the reporting.
            Based on the report, I realized that it really good in knowing the materials being used before and nowadays. Though, it is clearly emphasized the use and the good product of it but still, we would be able to know and appreciate it better if we know how it is being founded and started. I realized how significant could be the improvement and development of technology not just in the society but also on the educational matters. Together with the improvement and development of technology, the mind set of individuals as well as the student or the learners develop. I noticed that it’s not just the mind-set of the student changed and develop but also their skills since mostly nowadays are very exposed to the technology. The barriers between the past and present situation was erased due to the stronger connection between them. I also realized that technology can be effectively used in teaching if you have the authority in using it properly. You should use it too in an appropriate way with regards to the topic you have. Since we all know that it really has disadvantages in teaching and learning process, we must be aware of what the student could do with it. We must know in advance how to stop their misusing or at least minimize it. We should show proper ways of using it and a good product it may result if there is proper usage. We should be a good model to them in showing how we use these technology properly that could encourage them in doing it so. I also learned that if you are reporting in front, sometimes you must have to make some twist on your style and learn to have a sense of humour especially if you are lecturing alone so that your listener would not felt bored and still in to you.

            In applying this concept to real life situation is a bit challenging and interesting. It has something to do with the Integration and connection of one topic to another. It has something to do on how we are going to connect the topic that we had to the next topic which uses the technology available. It’s somewhat making a bridge between two places so that they could make a good relationship to one another. In relation to the topic, we should know what their connections are and how we could use it that should result to an effective teaching. If you have a very theoretical topic which would make them feel bored, you should know how to apply some high technology that would be useful not just in delivering the topic that you have but also should get the attention and interest of your student. You should erased the barrier between your topic and the students interest, you should know how to integrate the technology that they into to the topic that you have to teach. You should always bear in mind how and when to apply the technology properly. 

Lesson 3: Understanding Technology learners

Analyn  Andus                                                                                                July 19, 2015
BSEd- General Science                                                                                  MW3:00-4:00pm
Educational Technology
Lesson 3: Understanding Technology learners
            According to the reporters, the student of technology learners are the student of 21st century since they are engaged on higher technology compared to before. They mentioned about what the scientist said about learners. They emphasized that the teachers on this stage should engage the learners or students to technology-based so that they would know their skills. They also mentioned that due to improvement of technology, the learning style of the student change.  With the help of other students’ ideas, the technology student definition and description is clarified. They also said that books are sort of technology but it is older style of instructional material compared to the technology being used nowadays.
            Just like the other reporter, they also did some questioning method and lectured method. The questioned was accommodated after they lectured. They also give their insights with regards to their report. They even mentioned about the advantages and disadvantages of technology-based method. Lot of intriguing questioned was raised and answered resulting to a very interactive class.  Though, some questioned were not answered by the reporter but still they would be able to give their additional ideas and opinion that they think might answered to the question.
            Honestly, after their report, I was curious on how are we going to deliver our report soon since the entire topic that they had reported are some sort of giving insights. But still, I was happy for the performance they did because they really give their best in delivering the topic. Honestly, when I listened to the reporter, I understand the concept they’re trying to say but when the question and answer came, I was again confused due to some intrigue questions that arise. But still, I would be able to cope up when I listened to each opinions and collaboration of ideas my classmates gave.  I realized, it would really well if you arranged and organize your report completely and look for a good angle that would make your listeners understand the topic you’re delivering comprehensively. And of course, you must not forget to make a good description even to the simple words that may include in the concept of your report. Due to interactive discussion, I also realized that being an open-minded person would really give you more ideas in elaborating and explaining things. I realized also that knowing the basic concept and relating to the complicated one could help you more understand your topic and let others to understand it too comprehensively. I learned that to understand the technology learners, we, as a future teacher, must engage ourselves in technology so that we could relate to them and as what I’m always stating, could get their interest and attention that could lead to a product of their thoughts and imagination.
            This topic could be applied in understanding your student, on how are you going to relate, engage and adapt to them yourselves. Here, you should use diverse strategy and methods in dealing and teaching with them. This should cater their multiple intelligences and make a good product that shows their personality. This should imply with technology so that, they would enjoy what are they doing. And as a future teacher, you should be a good manager and a facilitator in your classroom. You should know how to lessen the disadvantages and boosting the advantages of technology in our classroom. The three domain of your student should be developed, like in cognitive; you must have an activity using the technology that would cater their critical thinking and strategy based on the topic that you have. In affective, you should let them make something using technology that would serve as a product of their feelings toward the topic they took. However, on the psychomotor domain, the student should be able to perform something using technology based on the topic that you have. In short, the things that you must do are focus to them and should be applicable to the technology. Being a good planner could result to a conducive and interactive teaching and learning process of your classroom.

Lesson 2:An Overview: Educational Technology

Analyn Andus                                                                                     July 20, 2015
BSEd-General Science                                                                                   MW 3:00-4:00 pm
Educational Technology 2
Lesson 2: An Overview: Educational Technology
            The reporter discussed about the possible topics of Educational Technology that can be applied to teaching and learning process. She compared the strategy being used before and compared it to present which uses higher technology. She emphasized that the expectation after the class sessions should be inclined with the teaching for a good result. It was also mentioned that the things that we must consider in teaching like making a difference and review some sort of things that could enhance the teaching and learning process. She summarized the topics on Educational Technology 2 and made some reflection on how we could use it in future teaching while integrating the topics in Educational Technology 1 to Educational Technology 2. She mentioned the application of possible topics in educational technology and what are the advantages and disadvantages of these topics not just on the teacher side but also on the learning of the students.
            The reporter used Questioning method in explaining and elaborating the topic. She asked students, what are their ideas in educational technology and how could they apply it to their practicum and their teaching in future. She did make an activity like paint-me-a-picture in portraying the comparison about the implementation of teaching before and in present. Explaining the picture they portray and mentioning what could be the advantages it could result in learning of the student and teaching of the teachers.  The reporter let us to grouped ourselves in a minute and then let us pictured out a scenario of the teaching and learning process before the higher technology was used and where in the center of teaching is on the teacher. however, we also pictured out the implementation of the topic where in it is student-centered and the technology is higher compared before which showed how the teacher used the technology in teaching and getting the attention and interest  of the student.
            The report implemented taught a big role of educational technology in teaching and learning process. I realized that it’s not enough to be mastered and expert of the topics in educational technology but it should be emphasized that we should also master and expert in applying these concepts in real life situation, in our future teaching. We should always be ready and be imaginative so that it can be used in our teaching soon. The reporter were true in mentioning that we should always engage ourselves in teaching using these technology so that we could get the attention and interest of our student. We should always think of something that could relate to their life and hobbies. I realized that knowing and understanding the overview of educational technology 2 would help me in coping easily the topic to our future teaching and discussion of each topic it contained. I think, it would be better if it is really emphasized the topics that could be discussed in this course and mentioning the proper application of it. I also realized that organization not just on the topic but also the ideas or thought should be properly emphasized and elaborated. we should always bear in our mind that preparation of our topic in a comprehensive way should always maintained.
            These topic can be applied in making an overview of your topic, in classroom, it can be served as the objectives of the teacher in his/her lesson plan. Since, these objectives are the guiding star of the teacher in teaching. Just like this topic, it would give us an idea on what are the things that we should and must learn at the end of the class sessions and discussions. As a future teacher, we should know how to make an overview of the topic comprehensive so that the student would not be confused from the overview to the implementation and conclusion of the topic. we should always emphasized and segregate these things appropriately.

Biyernes, Hulyo 10, 2015

Lesson 1: Review of Educational Tehnology 1

Analyn Andus                                                                                                    BSEd-General Science
July 11, 2015                                                                                                       MW 3:00-4:00 pm

Educational Technology II

                The topic was about the review of the educational Technology 1. They divided it into two main topics which are the discussion and application. The discussion focuses on the following: Systematized Instruction, cone of experience, about the meaning of the KISS, and the PPPF. They mentioned that in the Systematized instruction, the learners are the focus of instruction, they mentioned also about its eight process which are the 1) Defining the problem, 2)Choose appropriate method, 3) Choose appropriate experiences, 4) Select materials, equipment, and facilities, 5) assign personal roles 6) Implement the instruction 7) evaluate the outcome 8) Refine the process. However, they also review about the cone of experiences which involves the direct, purposeful experiences, contrived experiences, dramatized, demonstrations, fieldtrips, exhibits, motion pictures, audio/recording/photos, visual symbols and verbal symbols. While, the KISS stand for keep it short and simple. And the Preparation for yourself, preparation for your students, presentation of your instructional materials and the follow up are the last topic they mentioned about the discussion part. In the application part, they reviewed about the application we did during our online class. They mentioned about the edmodo, rubistar in making an online rubrics, the video and photo editing using the PowerDirector and Photoshop, The 7x7 rule in making PowerPoint presentation, and the toondoo.


                During their reporting and discussing about their topic, I was just amazed to the effects they made on their Powerpoint presentation. we just listened to their explanation and elaboration. They really applied on what they had learned during our edtech last year. And after they discussed, when they let us had a game, it’s fascinating and enjoy, but still they acquired the lesson. Making a modified questioning was good during that time.


                During their reporting, I realized that we should always know the basic and the important things to be consider so that we can move to the next level in an easy way, meaning, if we understand the lesson very well on edtech1, maybe, with good performance, review and study, we could make a good step on this course and perhaps, we could have a good or else a better grade on this subject.
Due to their good performance, I was challenged in making my best on our report. While they were reporting and after they report, I also think of another strategy that could make the class lively and effectively. I realized that in making your instructional materials, you should always think in advance if that materials would be useful of not. You must consider the interest of your student, and because of that, you must really know how to read your student, not maybe mentally but physically, in the sense that you can somewhat understand them during your first meeting. For me, this can help you think of an effective strategy in making them learn but at the same time, having fun during your class hour. But still, I think that if you don’t really yet understand your students’ behaviour during your first meeting, you must apply what blooms taxonomy always emphasizing, acquiring the cognitive, affective, and psychomotor domain in your instruction in catering their multiple intelligence with the use of course of technology if necessary. We must just remember the appropriate application for each for an effective teaching and learning process. We must also cater their interest first using the technology in education and make it an effective learning tool.


                 In your class, you could use a powerpoint presentation following the 7x7 rule that was mentioned. and after you could use some of the cone of experiences in assisting the learning of your student, you could assess them using the application they mentioned in showing the creativity and critical thinking of your student in applying the topic you had with them in a product-based. then if you have enough time on your school days, make them have fieldtrip/s with regards to the topic you are having. just make sure, in everything that you planned to do should be based on your lesson plan that would cater the needs of your student and make them a productive one not just in your duration of classes but of course, to their future life in studies or not.